Sept. 10

September 10, 2009 – Schopenhauer: The Indestructibility of Our Inner Nature – Amy
Postscript comments welcome.

1 comment:

  1. As a postscript to our discussion about near-death experiences, I began reading Deepak Chopra's "Life After Death." Although NDEs are not his primary focus, he does cite several studies in which the most popular notions about dying are modified, partly because of cultural context. He also spends a great deal of time discussing aspects of spiritual development, always broadly interpreted, as Chopra appears to be a Hindu or perhaps Buddhist with a largely western, primarily Christian or Christianity-based readership. He also briefly discusses quantum physics, to which I alluded in our discussion. For many years (if you'll forgive me for a personal remark) I've thought that the division between the natural and the supernatural was artificial, and that over time humans (if they survive) will learn that the supernatural IS the natural -- those aspects they didn't previously understand. Chopra's book seems to me to support such a view.
